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31 Day Prophetic Journal Workbook Testimony


I am currently studying for a Master's Course at Wagner University in CA. I recently completed an 8-week class on Prayer and Intercession as part of my course. I came accross your workbook during my research. I wanted you to know what a massive blessing it has been to me, and how the Lord has used it to draw me deeper into His presence, but also to pray on a much wider scale than I had previously done. For example, when praying for my state I began praying for a friend of mine and my husbands who is a patient. She is running for Governor for our state in NH, and the Lord began to show me things about her and how to pray for her. I shared this with her when she came in for an ajustment and she was so delighted and encouraged, she asked me to be one of her intercessors! My husband is a Chiropractor and I work full time with him. We both have the gifts of healing, his physical, mine more emotional and spiritual. My Master's Course, is in Spirituality, Healing, Deliverance, and Spiritual Warfare. So, your workbook as fit perfectly into my studies. I am writing my first book for my dissertation; I will be starting in late September.

Perhaps we can keep each other in prayer?

Many blessings to you and love in Him

Mary Bezon


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